Dundery Brook Trail in Little Compton
Gary Detonnancourt
Text and images by Gary Detonnancourt
Tiger Lilly (Lilium superbum) and lily leaf beetle (Lilioceris lilii)
The Dundery Brook Nature Trail is a beautiful place to take a walk and maybe even some photos. It's a little tricky to find at first because the entrance is behind a tennis court in the center of town. It was interesting, everyone knew where the trail was when I asked for directions, but nobody knew it's name.
This trail has one of the longest and nicest boardwalks I've been on, about a half mile. Then the trail goes on through the woods for another half mile. I went at the end of June in the afternoon and didn't see any birds or other wildlife, but I'll bet it's really bustling in spring.
There were, however, some nice wildflowers throughout the trail. I snapped the Tiger Lilly above and this nice white flower. I'm far from a flower expert, but I think it's a White Lilly. Does anyone know for sure? Please comment below.