You're Bad at this and You Don't Even Know it!
Gary Detonnancourt
Well, those sound like fightin words. Ahh, but I'm talking about myself. I've found that when it comes to my own photography, I'm blind, I can't see those small mistakes until someone points them out to me. I know the "Rules", I know how an image should look and I can point out flaws on everyone else's images quite easily, but I can't always see them on mine.
This was one of the first HDR images I made, years ago. It was a hit with all my friends on social media and nobody ever told me the horizon wasn't straight, the rocks are a little red etc... These are all things that I didn't see or didn't want to see. Check out what my friend Marion did to this image in about 3 minutes in the next image below.
You may experience this too, if you only show your images to your social media friends, you'll never know it. Your friends and family will tell you everything you do is just wonderful and they will Like it up and comment on how great it is, but do they know good photography, and even if they do will they tell you the truth?
Marion is a master Landscape photographer and she used Photoshop to straighten the horizon, enhance the sky, remove some red from the rocks, and added a vignette to darken the edges.
If you have a blind spot when it comes to your own images and your friends can't help you, then you can alway join one of my classes and I will critique your images and show you how you can fix them. Plus I plan to have plenty of experienced guest teachers to weight in on your images. Try it out by signing up for tonight's free live webinar with Marion Faria.