Marion Faria
LIVE Webinar: Composition and Landscape Photography with Marion Faria
Composition and Landscape Photography with Marion Faria
If you would like to have any images critiqued during this webinar please click here to upload them to Dropbox. Each person can upload up to two landscape images.
Best Deal on my Premium Courses Ever! Premium courses include:
- Course Content
- Premium mastermind group so you can post images and discuss thing with other students.
- 1 Live Question & Answer session per month for a year.
- 1 Critique session per month for a year. (possibly with guests teachers like Ron and Marion)
If you are already in the "Learn to Create More than A Snapshot Class you can get the Composition class for just $29
This course is great for anyone who has taken my Intro. course or anyone who has enjoyed this month's composition blog posts and webinars. This class will take it to the next level. If you are already taking "Learn to Create More than A Snapshot" and would like to buy my new composition course.
Please click the link below: Just $29 this week only. The price of this course will go up every week until it's launch date of Jan. 1 when it will be $297.