Better Backgrounds... Better Images!
When framing an image, it's import to look for distracting elements so you can try not to include them in the image. These could include objects, letters, words, colors, bright spots etc... Then again why not take it a step further, why not look for great backgrounds that add to the images impact. Here are 10 tips for better backgrounds.
1. Use a professional backdrop. Sometimes your situation requires a backdrop that can be put up anywhere and will look great in no time.
2. Blurr the Background. Creating bokeh is a great way to hide distractions, but even with this type of image it's helpful to have a lot distance between your subject and the background and it helps to have a telephoto lens with a wide open aperture, often wider than F/2.8.
3. Motion blur can also hide a distracting background.
4. Use a telephoto lens to create a tight crop. Getting up close eliminates most of the background.
5. Sometimes the background is the subject
6. Sometimes the background is a natural part of the subject.
7. Use a dark background.
8. Use an overexposed background.
9. Use a background that feels very natural for the type of subject.
10. Use a background that leads to a vanishing point.
As you can see in the image above, it also helps if the background has some complementary colors to the subject. Colors that don't match the subject will be a distraction and you may want to consider doing some color work in Photoshop or converting the image to black and white.